Plumbing maintenance for Dubbo businesses

Let our efficient tradies at Phil Knight Plumbing take care of all your plumbing needs. We offer Dubbo businesses and commercial customers great service, whether it’s installation of pipework and fixtures or maintenance and repairs that crop up along the way.
Commercial plumbing services include:
- Commercial designs & installations
- Scheduled maintenance
- Emergency call-outs
- Project management
- Repairs

Preventative plumbing maintenance is essential for commercial property owners. You can rely on Phil Knight Plumbing to handle all your plumbing maintenance, promptly and effectively.
Some items that require regular maintenance include:
- Thermostatic mixing valves
- Tempering valves
- Backflow prevention devices
- Pressure limiting valves
- Hot water systems
- Boilers
- Pipes
- Drains
- Pumps
Our experts have access to the latest equipment—including copper crimpers and backflow testers—for increased accuracy and reduced turnaround times on maintenance and repairs.
Don’t let your plumbing maintenance checks fall by the wayside—ensure the safety of your property, patrons and staff and contact Phil Knight Plumbing today.